Thereafter, Mathieu Singer worked as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Neuchâtel for three years, where he took part in several research projects concerning contract law and civil liability. He is continuing to write a PhD thesis about the qualification of IT contracts in Swiss law.
As of February 2023, Mathieu Singer joined Reymond & Associés as an associate attorney-at-law. He advises you in particular on contract law, company law and data protection, with a specific interest for issues relating to new technologies.
Data protection
Business transactions and corporate law
Civil litigation and arbitration
Labour and social security law
Intellectual property law and trademark law
Immigration law
Admission to the bar
University of Fribourg, Master of Law, magna cum laude, Prix d’excellence NKF in business law
University of Fribourg, Bachelor of Law, magna cum laude, with specialisation in European law
Attorney-at-law at the law firm Reymond & Associés (since February 2023)
Research and teaching assistant at the University of Neuchâtel (February 2020 to February 2023)
Trainee lawyer at a law firm in the canton of Fribourg (April 2018 to June 2019)
Trainee clerk at the court of first instance of Estavayer-le-Lac (October 2017 to March 2018)
Trainee at the Prosecutor’s Office of Fribourg (July to August 2014)
Vaud Bar Association (OAV)
Youth Bar Association of Vaud (JBVD)
Swiss Bar Association (FSA)
Le risque caractéristique de l’utilisation d’un smartphone dans la rue, in REAS 4/2022 p. 428 ss
Exclusion des pandémies dans les conditions générales d’assurance, in Jusletter 11 avril 2022 (co-author with Dario Hug et Christoph Müller)
Le préjudice réparable : une notion sans contours ?, in Dupont/Müller (édit.), L’évaluation du préjudice corporel, Bâle/Neuchâtel 2021, p. 1 ss (co-author with Christoph Müller)
Le calcul du dommage de l’art. 97 CO : un point sur les controverses théoriques et les incertitudes pratiques, in Quid ? Fribourg Law Review 2/2017, p. 6 ss
Les problèmes de calcul du dommage dans le contrat de gestion de fortune, in Quid ? Fribourg Law Review 1/2016, p. 23 ss